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Nut free snacks household

No Nuts, No Problem

We are raising the bar for modern snacking, no nuts necessary. Our bars are packed with premium ingredients and are perfectly balanced to provide nutrition, energy, and crave worthy flavor that can be enjoyed by all.

Everyone deserves to love what they eat. We said, “No!” to nuts so that everyone, regardless of allergies or dietary restrictions, can say, “Yes!” to something special. Our bars are made in a nut-free facility,‘slab formed’ for optimal chewy, crunchy goodness, and have less calories than a bowl of raisin bran.

Nut-Free Snacks only home family

Enjoy With Delight & Confidence

To the responsible parents, growing kids, teachers, tutors, coaches, and
caregivers—we created the allergy-friendly snack you’ve been searching for. A completely nut-free, dairy-free, worry-free, fiber & protein packed bar you can enjoy, share and serve with confidence.

We didn’t set out to make a post-workout bar, a breakfast bar or a candy bar, we made a go anywhere, do anything, treat yourself bar. Whether you’re kicking off the day or topping off dinner, No Nuts! Is there to satisfy.

No Nuts! carefully crafts our nut-free bars so that you can focus on the delightful side of life. Take on that challenging trail; focus on your game or your studies; feel good about family-day, flying abroad or picnics in the park because this snack has your back.

Hands together for nut-free snacks


We are so confident that you will love everything about No Nuts!
protein+energy bars that we guarantee you’ll be satisfied with the quality and condition of every bar. If something is not quite right, simply return the remaining unopened bars for a replacement or refund.

Learn more

Recent Blogs

Going Nut-Free: A Beginner's Guide to Ingredient Substitutions

Transitioning to a nut-free lifestyle can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding suitable ingredient substitutions. This beginner's guide to going nut-free explores delicious and nutritious alternatives for your favorite recipes, ensuring that you can still enjoy a variety of tasty treats without compromising your health or well-being.

Understanding Food Labels: How to Spot Hidden Nuts

For those with nut allergies, deciphering food labels can be a challenging task. While some products clearly state the presence of nuts, others may contain hidden sources of these allergens. In this post, we'll explore how to read food labels and identify potential sources of nuts to help keep you or your loved ones safe. From understanding the different names for nuts to being aware of cross-contamination risks, we'll cover essential tips for navigating food labels with a nut allergy. Are you aware of the hidden nuts in your food products? With so many different ingredients and labels, it can be challenging to keep trackof what's safe for you or your loved ones. Explore the importance of understanding food labels and how to spot hiddennuts in your everyday food purchases.

Nut-Free Party Snacks: Crowd-Pleasing Appetizers for Every Event

Planning a party can be challenging when you have guests with nut allergies, but with the right recipes and a little creativity, you can create delicious, crowd-pleasing nut-free appetizers and party snacks that everyone will enjoy. In this post, we'll share some of our favorite nut-free party snack ideas that are perfect for any event, from casual gatherings to formal celebrations. From protein-packed bites to sweet treats, these snacks will ensure that all of your guests can participate in the festivities.

10 celebridades que siguen una dieta sin lácteos

Muchas celebridades han adoptado un estilo de vida sin lácteos por diversas razones, desde controlar las alergias hasta promover el bienestar animal. En esta publicación, analizaremos 10 figuras conocidas que dejaron de consumir lácteos y exploraremos los beneficios que han experimentado al realizar este cambio. Ya sea que esté considerando eliminar los lácteos de su dieta o simplemente sienta curiosidad por la tendencia, estas celebridades sirven como ejemplos inspiradores del estilo de vida sin lácteos.

10 ideas deliciosas y nutritivas de refrigerios sin nueces para los almuerzos escolares

Preparar almuerzos escolares para niños con alergias a las nueces puede ser un desafío, pero no tiene por qué ser aburrido o poco saludable. En esta publicación, compartiremos 10 ideas de refrigerios deliciosos y nutritivos sin nueces que mantendrán la lonchera de su hijo entretenida y apta para personas alérgicas. Desde barras repletas de proteínas hasta frutas y verduras frescas, estos refrigerios satisfarán incluso a los comensales más exigentes y los mantendrán a salvo de reacciones alérgicas.

Alergias a las nueces: qué evitar

Vivir la vida con alergia a las nueces puede ser complicado, pero es manejable con el conocimiento y las precauciones adecuadas. En esta publicación, exploraremos los alimentos, productos y situaciones que las personas con alergia a las nueces deben evitar para mantenerse seguros y saludables. Desde los culpables comunes como el maní y las nueces hasta las fuentes ocultas de nueces en productos no alimentarios, cubriremos todo lo que necesita saber para vivir una vida libre de nueces con confianza.
